
Sunday, March 4

The Week-Cap - Idol Thoughts

What a week!

Let me just tell you, March came in with quite a bang and it's gonna be hard to top this week...let's discuss.

  • Monday - What is with Mondays? Seriously, no one ever says "thank goodness it's Monday". This Monday it rained...and right when I had to drive home in it...boooo. There's nothing better than getting home on a cold and rainy day and making soup. I made a delicious tomato basil soup, that seriously made us cozy, I promise I'll share the recipe with you soon.
  • Tuesday - What can I even say about Tuesday? It started out like every other Tuesday...and then, suddenly I was on my way to the set of American Idol to watch the first live show of the season. Whaaaa? And it was SO. MUCH. FUN. One of my husbands lovely clients gave us tickets and even though I hadn't watched much of this season (due to the return of the NBA of course) I was very excited. Being there in person was really amazing and fascinating at the same time and I have so much respect for the people that show make that happen every week, not to mention all the contestants who can actually sing. Because I'm not so good at that. Oh, and I posted the recipe for Whole Wheat and Flax English Muffins. For the love of J.Lo, please make them, they are so super delicious.
  • Wednesday - Started with the Recipe for Whole Roasted Garlic and ended with a whole lotta wine tasting on a yacht in the harbor near my house. Best. Week. Ever.
  • Thursday - Ouch. That Roasted Garlic came out in a big way on some fresh baked bread and in a bowl of Penne Pasta. I seriously needed some of those natural garlic antibiotics after all that red wine from the night before. More American Idol (this time from my couch) to relive Tuesday and see if our favorites made it to the top 13...they did :). 
  • Friday - Whether you are a Brownie lover or a Chocolate Chip Cookie traditionalist, you MUST try baking them as one...I did and I am sure I am a better person because of it. Now if only they made me a better singer too.

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