
Tuesday, February 28

Whole Wheat and Flax English Muffins

I know what you're thinking...flax?? Whole wheat?? So far most of my posts have multiple references to sugary sweets, but I'm actually super into healthy eating and organic foods. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy me some Cinnamon Roll French Toast or a Red Velvet Brownie every now and then, but it does  mean that I am very careful to check the labels of everything I buy. I'm always looking for added sugars, high fat and calorie content and what actual nutritional value I am getting out of pre-packaged items. 

This is why I love making my own breads...I know exactly what's in them. And what's in these bad boys, is reeeeaaallllyyy good. I have found it pretty difficult to find some yummy and healthy english muffins, besides the Food 4 Life brand (they sell the ezekiel bread you see at Whole Foods). But that's ok, because making my own has turned out to be super easy and delicious!

The smell of yeast is so immediately invokes memories of anything 'freshly baked'....or beer. I can't decide. 

This recipe is adapted from a bag of Arrowhead Mills Stone Ground Wheat Flour I bought a while back. It looks like this after everything is dumped in the bowl. 

After a little kneading, you get this lovely, soft ball of goodness.

I am not ghetto for using a wine glass to cut my muffins, I am resourceful...anything round works. 

A little rising time on a cornmeal dusted pan and these breakfast babies will be puffed up and gorgeous.

See? I told you! Now, they are ready for the griddle...and in a few short minutes, they are ready to eat!

My husband absolutely loves his with pb&j, but they are great with butter, honey, cinnamon sugar, or...and yes I am about to go a homemade egg mcmuffin. Seriously, they are sooo good with a little slice of ham, some scrambled egg and a good helping of cheese. Do it. 

Whole Wheat and Flax English Muffins
Adapted from Arrowhead Mills Stone Ground Whole Wheat Flour Bag

1 Cup warm water
1 package of active dry yeast (make sure its not expired or your muffins won't rise!)
3 T honey
1/4 Cup vegetable oil
1 tsp salt
2 Cups whole wheat flour (the Arrowhead Mills brand is nice and light, but you can use whichever brand you like, I've also used King Arthur and it works great)
1 Cup bread flour
3 T flax seeds (optional)
2 T chia seeds (optional)
You could also add raisins if you'd like
corn meal for dusting

Pour 1 Cup of warm (but not hot) water into a large bowl. Sprinkle the yeast over it and let it sit for a few minutes until it looks slightly foamy. Add all ingredients one at a time into water/yeast mixture.
Using a wooden spoon, mix everything together until it becomes hard to stir. The dough will NOT be completely incorporated at this point. Use your hands to knead the dough in the bowl, folding it in on itself and getting all of the remaining flour mixed in. It will start to get smooth and soft after a few minutes. Roll into a ball and set aside for a moment. Line a cookie sheet with foil or wax paper and generously sprinkle it with corn meal.

Roll the dough out onto a lightly floured surface to about 1/4 inch thickness. Using some sort of round cutter, cut as many muffins as you can from the rolled out dough, placing them on the cornmeal cookie sheet as you go. I usually get about 10-11 all together, but it depends on the size of your cutter. Repeat until there is only enough dough for one muffin left. You will probably have to form the last muffin using your hands. 

Cover the muffins with a kitchen towel and leave in a warm, dry place for an hour to rise. 
A few minutes before the hour is up, heat a griddle pan over medium heat. I use a pancake griddle set to 350 degrees. Once hot, place each muffin on the dry griddle and leave for 7 minutes. Flip each muffin and continue cooking for 7 minutes more, they should look golden brown. 

Remove from the pan and place on a wire rack to cool. Freshly baked they are ah-may-zing just the way they are. You can also toast them if you'd like. Once they are completely cool, I like to put them in a freezer bag and take one or two out each time I plan to eat them. This just keeps them extra fresh all week long. You can thaw them in the microwave or on the counter. 



  1. Hey girl! I tried to comment earlier and my internet crashed as I was drooling over these english muffins =) haha! They're bad for my internet but good for my belly! lol a def winner!

    1. Haha! Thank you so much! You should seriously make them, they are so homey and easy! Thanks for the follows btw. Love your site!
