
Saturday, February 18

The Week-Cap - It's Valentine's Baby

Here's my end of the week recap...aka the week-cap...all of the things I've posted/eaten/learned this week.

  • This was my first week ever blogging...and so far I LOVE it! I am so excited thinking of all the things I want to share in the future. If you missed my welcome post, here it is.
  • Monday I posted the slightly tweaked recipe for  Red Velvet Brownies by Jessica at How Sweet It Is. I was then notified that they may or may not be illegal in 38 states...obviously because they are so red.
  • Tuesday was Valentine's Day and this happened. It was a surprise to both of us, because the tickets were last minute and free from a co-worker...uh huh #kobesystem.
  • Wednesday it rained, so naturally the entire county came to a screeching halt...we Southern Californians are not very weather adaptive. 
  • Thursday I ate this for breakfast and decided I need to start making my own peanut butter and figure out how to grow bananas...I then retracted my commitment to the second idea. 
  • Friday I had the day off of work...yay!! So I spent it making The Pioneer Woman's Cinnamon Rolls for the 400th time (only a slight exaggeration), not to mention a freshly written recipe for Chocolate Chip cookies (which will become a post soon) AND dinner of Chicken in a White Wine and Mushroom sauce over Egg Noodles (look for that Monday or Tuesday). Whew, busy busy! Don't you wish you were here for breakfast?? 

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