
Friday, February 24

Cinnamon Roll French Toast

This is a story of Evolution.

A story of taking something that seriously needs no help in the 'I'm going to cry this is so good' category and somehow making it better. 

Last weekend I, once again, made the Pioneer Woman's Cinnamon Rolls (have I mentioned them enough for you yet? just make them already!) and yes, they were amazing as usual. 

As much as I love the idea of frosting the rolls out of the oven, I love even more the idea of being able to control the amount I slather on when eating...SLATHER being the key word. Here are the luscious rolls in all their unfrosted glory. 

These rolls were fresh....but like 3 days ago. How did they last this long without being eaten? I honestly don't know and I think I need to reevaluate my commitment to good health. 

So what do you do with 3 day old cinnamon rolls? The same thing you do with 3 day old bread... make French Toast!

Slice those babies in half like a bun, being careful not to let them fall apart. Seriously, you could just toast these up, add butter and jam and be a very, very happy person. But I have a husband who has a mild obsession with French I will take it 4 steps further. 

I'm kind of addicted to there a problem with that? Mix up your eggs, Milk, Vanilla, and inordinate amounts of cinnamon in a shallow dish. 

Cook them on a griddle or in a non stick skillet with a nice dollop of butter. The beautiful golden crusts are forming and I love how you can still see the cinnamon swirls of the rolls. 

And serve them with your favorite breakfast meat, eggs prepared how you like them and a fat bottle of syrup. Heck, you don't even need the syrup, eggs or  meat, they are really just good by themselves. Or with that leftover cream cheese frosting...hmmmm.

I'm aware that it was National Pancake Week this week...but you know what, I like being a rebel sometimes. 

Cinnamon Roll French Toast

A few day old Cinnamon Rolls (I used 3 for 2 people) you can use whatever recipe you like :)
3/4 C Milk
1/4 C Heavy Cream
3 eggs
1 tsp. Vanilla
1-2 tsp. Cinnamon, depending on your taste
1 T unsalted butter

Slice the Rolls in half like a hamburger bun. In a shallow dish, whisk together the milk, cream, eggs, vanilla and cinnamon. You can add a dash of salt if you like a little savory flair too. Heat a non-stick skillet over medium high heat, or use a griddle pan, or an electric griddler. Melt the butter to coat the pan. Dredge each slice of Cinnamon Roll in the milk mixture, soaking it on each side for about 30 seconds. Place into the hot butter and cook until golden brown on each side. This should take about 3 minutes per side. Serve with your favorite breakfast accoutrements. 


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