
Friday, March 16

Green Cocktails

Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day and whether you are staying in or going out on the town, perhaps it's time for a change of pace when it comes to your drink of choice. The first beverages that always come to my mind on this old Irish holiday are Light Beer turned Green, Guinness, and Bailey's Irish Cream.

Well, not this year! Time to switch it up with some new cocktails that fit the green theme but have different and exciting flavors.

The first drink is one that I had recently at a little beach side restaurant that is as springy as can be. It's called "Cool as a Cucumber" and it is a perfectly refreshing cocktail with a light sage hue and a crisp finish. It's basically muddled cucumbers and mint mixed with lime juice, gin and my current favorite, St. Germaine Elderflower. You may remember me mentioning the sweet, floral liqueur when I posted the recipe for Kir Royales. I'm in love with it and I seriously think you need to give it a try.
You can even buy mini's of it at BevMo!

Here, I used a few little clovers to decorate the cocktail. Festive!

The second drink includes another liqueur that has been around for literally ever but is making a big comeback. It's called Green Chartreuse and it has quite a fascinating backstory. The liqueur has been made for hundreds of years by French Monks in the mountains of France and actually gave the green color of chartreuse it's name. Also, it has over 130 different types of herbal extracts in it! See? History and Cocktails all in one're welcome!
Green Chartreuse Martini
See how everything is green?? MmmHmm.
The hints of thyme and rosemary definitely come through on the Chartreuse. Prepared as a Martini, it is quite fantastic. I would go the classic route and use a great gin, like Tanqueray and a dry vermouth, like Martini & Rossi Extra Dry Vermouth. You could always use vodka instead of gin, but that's not my style :). The usual ratio for a martini is a dash of dry vermouth swirled in the glass, 2 parts gin and 1 part Chartreuse. Garnish with a sprig of mint and you have a lovely, green cocktail without the help of food coloring!

Hopefully, these two ideas will give you something new to try this St. Patrick's Day, or any day of the year for that matter. Be creative and make what you like, it's all about the combining flavors that make your tastebuds happy!

"Cool As a Cucumber"
Adapted from The Deck Restaurant - makes 1 cocktail
2 oz Gin
1 oz St. Germaine Elderflower
1 inch piece of cucumber, chopped
4-5 mint leaves, torn
juice of 1 lime
1 tsp. sugar

In a cocktail shaker, muddle the cucumber, mint, lime juice and sugar (add more or less to taste). Then add a few pieces of ice, the gin and the elderflower liqueur. Shake well and strain the mixture into a martini glass. Spoon some of the muddled goodness into the drink and top with a clover if you're lucky enough to have one :)


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